Vertical Cone Screw Blender / Dryers

Vertical Cone Screw Blender / Dryers in India

Our Vertical Cone Screw Blender/Dryers are supreme for large range of vacuum drying applications such as powders, granules, pellets, pastes, and slurries. This method of drying tools features a mild turning screw that tenderly lifts the group of materials to increasing position as it revolves to concerning a conical liner. The habitual switch over of resources connecting the frenzied sidewalls and middle of the blender access the perfect drying progression. This anxiety is well categorized in a conical dryer because the blending stroke is systematic but low in force. During the drying cycle, hot water, oil, or steam is re strewn through the vessel covering and due to inferior processing temperatures were completely possible by the vacuum background, there is a reduced risk of creating hot spots on the liner walls where product can harden. An ordinary subject in uptight dryers is the risk of product abrasion or cohort of fines.

This Vertical Dryer/Blender does not require a bottom support bearing to keep the screw balanced so expulsion is practically fully completes. This unconfirmed screw design also simplifies cleaning and maintenance. We are usually taking intense care in making of this vertical cone blender and our consumers are likely to select our product due to our best service among the various competitors.

Benefits of Vertical Cone Screw Blender/ Dryer

  • Easy maintenance & pollution free
  • Available in sizes from 1 through 500 cu. ft.
  • Widely used for vacuum drying applications
  • Highly efficient in nature
  • Well suitable for rapid mixing